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Downer's Revenge/Boston's "Corporate America" #1 on Progressive Rock chart!

The song "Corporate America" by a mysterious unknown group called DOWNER'S REVENGE has risen from oblivion to #1 on's progressive rock chart in just one week.

There was no corporate marketing or promotion whatsoever for this debut, just the band and their friends emailing the link to other listeners. The music and the message in the song took over from there and created a snowball, or maybe an avalanche!

This "in your face" indictment of big business and what it is doing to our world, was a big step for band leader Tom Scholz who was determined to get his feelings across thru music... loudly!

Scholz says, "Using music as a medium to make a statement was difficult for me. The song Corporate America was rewritten numerous times over a period of four years. It was a major challenge, but I decided I would not take 'no' for an answer; I had to express my feelings about what mega-corporations are doing to our world."

He had no idea the CD title would so succinctly express today's business climate. "People who never thought about what happens at the corporate level in this country are now standing up and paying attention. They've been robbed of their futures and their money has been taken, but unfortunately the losses go much deeper than that; lives have been taken.

"Although the benefits of the free market are well publicized, one of the pitfalls of an unrestrained capitalism is that a handful of very powerful businessmen, whose primary objectives are money and power, are allowed to gain their profits with no regard for the earth or its inhabitants. The ramifications are far-reaching. Sooner or later we will have to get a handle on how to control this system in order to begin to enjoy its benefits, without the destructiveness." But who is this group; is it BOSTON or DOWNER'S REVENGE? The answer from writer Tom Scholz is simply, "Both."

"Our objective," says Scholz, "was to get this song onto college campuses over the Internet. Colleges are centers for both learning and open minded thought in this country. Student idealism provides the nucleus for future positive social change."

"We were advised that BOSTON could not be played on progressive or alternative rock formats, so we decided to circumvent this bit of prejudice by releasing our music under a new name." Thus DOWNER'S REVENGE was born. "Artemis is insisting on keeping the name Boston for the upcoming CD release, which is fine with us; we're proud of the name. But expect more from DOWNER'S REVENGE over the Internet in the future!"

The new album, also entitled "Corporate America", was four and a half years in the making and will be in stores in late October. Although he has maintained connections to his English rock, classical music roots, Scholz has ignored the relative safety of classic rock boundaries, and given free reign to the diverse talents of his group.

Covering a huge range of musical categories, Corporate America takes you on a rock tour without musical borders, yet still maintains the cohesiveness expected of a BOSTON album.

As for BOSTON's personnel, there are big surprises. The late 80's core group of Tom Scholz, Brad Delp, Fran Cosmo, and Gary Pihl is still in place on this album, but revealed inside the CD booklet are two unexpected additions. Scholz, inspired by demos he heard, has added female musician/vocalist/writer Kimberley Dahme and guitarist/writer Anthony Cosmo - Fran's son!

Anthony is a versatile guitarist and backup singer, while Kimberley sings lead and plays several instruments on stage including bass and guitar.

As writers they contributed four songs to the album, with Scholz writing or co-writing the other six. The diversity of ebony porn style is a relief from today's typical one-dimensional CD's, and the production/lead work of Scholz provides the unifying touch that pulls it all together.

In addition to his music Scholz is known for his support of numerous charities, and hopes this success will provide funds for future environmental, anti-violence, and animal protection work.

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