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DMG: Boston has sort of branded  this sound , and given that these other writers are entering the picture, will Tom always make sure that the songs have the elements of Boston songs?

BD: Yeah, I think so, and with him being our producer, there is just no Boston without Tom. In all modesty, you could do a Boston record with anyone else but Tom is really the indispensable member. It really is his sound and I was very fortunate to be the singer on those early records. As far as the creative input, and that sound of the guitars and the harmonies being layered, that s really all Tom and a trademark. He likes the new input and the new members are aware of, for lack of a better word, legacy, so when they re playing stuff for him they have that in mind too. In the case of a song like Kim s  With You , she never thought that would be on a Boston record. It was just a case of when she came to audition, she brought along her resume of sorts and she had that song which she initially recorded in Germany, and Tom listened to it, and to his credit and he said he d love to do the song if anything just to step out of the mold of traditional Boston songs. So he just took the song and added some of the Boston guitars that come in at the end of it, and put his stamp on it. One of my favorite songs on the last album was  Cryin  which Fran did the vocals on, and though it takes the band in a little different direction, but all you have to hear are the first guitar notes and you know right away that it s Boston.

DMG: Quick question (*I ve had twenty years worth of questions), do you happen to know the sales figures for the debut album currently?

BD: Honestly I have no idea. If I had a nickel for every record we sold I could quit my Beatle b ebony porn and. No I d never quit that. I still think we're in the Guinness Book for a debut album, but I really don t know and I don t need to know. Its done well enough to afford me the luxury to go out when Tom needs me to tour, and it s a privilege to get to go out and do those songs. And when I m not doing that, its great that I get to do something that is just strictly enjoyment for me. When I m in the Beatle band I feel fifteen again, and it makes me feel like I did when I first heard  All My Lovin  .

DMG: Finally I was asked to inquiry with you regarding some big plans that Boston had for the 30th anniversary.

BD: I don t know because some of that will be a surprise to me as well. Technically we have never done a video outside of the promotional ones from the first albums. Those kind of snuck and we re done somewhat begrudgingly. They were done with the intention of being sent to Europe so people could get a feel for the band. They were never meant for distribution over here because Tom never liked the idea of lip-synching. So there has been talk and the fans have asked for a DVD or something to that effect, so there are some plans for filming this tour with an eye towards releasing something. I suspect if we did anything like that, it would be a live DVD that Tom would want to do. Again, Tom has final say on but that is certainly something that I would be excited about because I m a fan of the medium.

So there you go and hopefully that shines a little light on a band that has always been a mystery of sorts to some. Boston s Corporate America is still available thru Artemis Records and by now you re on your third or fourth pressing of the Boston album, thus showing further evidence that quality always stands the test of time. Personally speaking, get in your car, make the trip and check out Boston live because regardless of what you think you hear, it is all very real and plugged in. There is nothing quite like having  More Than A Feeling and  Long Time wash over you at 120 decibels.

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